Electric Lighters
Do electric lighters work on cigars?
Electric Lighter is an innovative solution to lighting cigars. As a cigar lighter improves the cigar smoking experience.
Features of Electric Lighter
- Recharge vs Refuel. Being electric lighter there is no need for butane or lighter fuel of any kind. Recharge your lighter conveniently anywhere: through your PC or laptop, in the car, at home or anywhere where electricity is available.
- Windproof lighters. Perfect for outdoor use, under any weather conditions. There is no flame to worry about. The electric coil literally touching your cigar when lighting.
- Best cigar lighter. Fuego electric lighter was design for cigars. Sized to handle 62-Ring Gauge (1 inch diameter) or smaller cigars.
- Flavorless cigar lighting. Electric lighter does not generate any flavor or smell which you inhale and more or less taste when you light cigar with any butane powered lighter.